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April 25, 2022

Something Really Dark Is Going On In America As FBI Warns Of Coming Cyber Attacks On Our Food Processing Plants And Supply Chain - 'A Very Strange Trend Is Impacting Our Food Supply'

- Globalist Talking Head Hints, If You Haven't Prepared Yet, You're About Out Of Time To Do So

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

On April 21st, we reported in this story on ANP about a series of mysterious incidents at well over a dozen US food processing plants that involved fires, explosions and even planes crashing into them, and while the MSM would surely label such occurrences as 'just coincidences', even Tucker Carlson on Fox News and Dan Bongino on his show just called these events out as something more as seen in the 1st two videos at the bottom of this story.

With Tucker also warning us 'something really dark is going on' as heard in the final video below, while Dan Bongino calls all of this 'a very strange trend impacting our food supply', we absolutely had to do a follow up to that April 21st story considering all that has happened to impact America's food supply since that story just days ago.

As Susan Duclos warned on ANP on Sunday in this story titled "Dire Expert Warnings: Coming 'Human Catastrophe' As We Enter The 'Countdown Until All Hell Breaks Loose'", according to one globalist talking head from the Rockefeller Foundation, the next major food crisis could begin within 6 months, with the globalist quite literally saying "it's a countdown until all hell breaks loose".

And while the mainstream media will surely be 'hands off' of the food processing plants getting hit story as it exposes nothing less than an all-out attack upon America's food supply chain, with 'control the food, control the people' long a motto of Henry Kissinger and the globalists the MSM is propping up, if the MSM does dare to touch the story, they'll surely call it a 'crazy conspiracy theory'.

But if that's the case, you've got to check out this Saturday story over at Zero Hedge titled "FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires". Our food supply chain and food processors under attack is just a 'crazy conspiracy theory'? Yeah, right.

So while Joe Biden finally back in March warned of 'real food shortages' coming to America and the world in our futures, anybody who has been reading ANP and many other independent news outlets know just how far behind reality Biden is. With ANP readers emailing us photographs we've featured in ANP stories for nearly a year now of empty store shelves in their own 'necks of the woods', the 'real food shortages' Biden finally speaks of now began quite some time ago and were largely caused not by Putin and Russia as Biden claims but by the globalists 'locking America and the world down'.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

So what do you think the likelihood of well over a dozen, and reportedly nearly two dozen, different food processing plants and facilities would have all been 'hit' by disasters over a very brief time frame?

And as we'll explore more in the final section of this story below, it's been all different aspects and different companies involved with the food supply chain being hit, from Wal Mart to Azure Standard to Taylor Farms, and from warehouses to distribution centers to the actual headquarters of companies being hit.

So let's take a look at this Saturday story over at Zero Hedge titled "FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires"seemingly confirming what the independent media has been warning about. And with this FBI warning we get proof that actual 'attacks' upon our food processing plants and supply chain are no 'coincidence' and no 'conspiracy theory'. Let's take a look at that story before our conclusion.:

The FBI's Cyber Division published a notice this past week warning about increased cyber-attack threats on agricultural cooperatives, which comes at a time when a curious string of fires and explosions damage major food processing plants across the country.

"Ransomware actors may be more likely to attack agricultural cooperatives during critical planting and harvest seasons, disrupting operations, causing financial loss, and negatively impacting the food supply chain," the notice read, adding 2021 and early 2022 ransomware attacks on farming co-ops could affect the current planting season "by disrupting the supply of seeds and fertilizer."

The agency warned, "A significant disruption of grain production could impact the entire food chain, since grain is not only consumed by humans but also used for animal feed ... In addition, a significant disruption of grain and corn production could impact commodities trading and stocks. "

The FBI's warning comes as "nearly two dozen food processing facilities across Canada and the US" have experienced a "string of fires, plane crashes and explosions," according to The Western Standard.

And with that Zero Hedge story showing what can be nothing less than 'attacks' upon not only the actual food processing facilities but food storage warehouses, food distribution centers as well as company headquarters, we see the entire chain of our food supply is now being hit. And that Zero Hedge story ends with this very concerning warning from the globalists themselves about a time frame for the food supply chain crisis we've seen growing for a good year now.

This is all happening as the Ukraine-Russian conflict has disrupted the global food supply chain. Food prices are at record highs, and the Rockefeller Foundation just released their timeframe of when a "massive, immediate food crisis" may begin -- they say, "in the next six months."

So in doubling down in a massive way on the bottom line of this April 21st ANP story, all of the 'strange incidents' both Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino talk about in the videos below URGE US to be fully stocked and prepared to ride out a massive, incoming storm unlike anything most Americans have ever seen in our lifetimes.

Each of the ANP stories linked below offer a wide variety of suggestions and options available right now to make sure our own families can ride out the arriving storm. From learning how to sprout to learning how to make our own crackers, breads and other foods and growing our own foods at home to stocking up on long-term survival foods, once this entire 'great reset' being pushed by the globalists plays out to its' end game, and this thing clearly ramping up to the next level, we're running out of time to prep as we're still, fortunately, able to do now.

"Dire Expert Warnings: Coming 'Human Catastrophe' As We Enter The 'Countdown Until All Hell Breaks Loose'"

Mysterious Series Of Incidents At More Than A Dozen US Food Processing Plants Reeks Of Grey Terror While Giving Us Another Sign America's Food Supply Is Under All-Out Attack

Slow-Moving Disaster Has Become A Tsunami With The Handwriting On The Wall As More American Stores Look Like Venezuela While Engineered Famine Leads To Engineered Chaos - When The Food Runs Out And Full-Scale Food Riots Hit, 'The Masses' Will Finally Believe Their Own Eyes

This Is What Hunger Riots Look Like - As The Food Crisis Worsens In America We See What Happens When A Nation Cannot Survive Spiking Prices And Food Shortages

'When There Is No Food There Is No Peace, America's Time Of Plenty Is Ending And The Casualties Will Be Catastrophic' - Reader Warning With Shocking New Images

Prepping For A Time When Stores Will NEVER Be Replenished With Even More Photos Showing Grocery Stores Looking Like Venezuela And The Globalists 'Extinction Protocols' In Place

Severe Shortages On Chicken, Eggs And Other Dairy Products Expected To Become Critical Over The Next Months - The Politics Behind Starving A Nation

Giving us a great reason to go about living a much different 'motto' for Americans than the globalists want us to in their 'control the food, control the people'motto, our belief that we should'control our own food supply, we ensure our family's futures'is a winner for humanity.

So as mentioned above, each of the videos below take a look at the bizarre series of events now playing out before our very eyes that reek of 'grey terror' while pushing America's food supply chain even closer to the breaking point. Can you imagine America with no functioning and well stock grocery stores in our future? 300 million+ angry and hungry Americans on the warpath is something we pray we never witness in our lifetimes.

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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