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February 13, 2016

Experts Warn 'Guerrilla Warfare' & 'House To House' Methods May Be Needed To Combat Zika In America - 'One Neighbor Could Cause Outbreak For Whole Neighborhood' Is A Warning Of Where This Is Going!


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

The story that ANP reader linked to this morning via comment on an ANP story comes to us from the New York Times and is just the latest warning that things may be preparing to get very interesting here in America. In the NY Times story,'mosquito expert' Michael Doyle tells us that Americans may not be ready for what's necessary to properly get rid of these 'Zika virus' carrying varmints as "this 'guerrilla warfare house-to-house method is still very new" and "Zika will require a major shift in this country's approach to mosquito control".

Telling us further that 'Aedes aegypti', the mosquito carrying the Zika virus, is "relatively impervious to outdoor spraying", we're also told the most efficient way to deal with this particular disease is a painstaking process..."more door-to-door action". The mere mention of 'SWAT teams' of mosquito experts going door to door in Florida should ring alarm bells. The fact that we're told these 'mosquito SWAT teams' were 'activated within hours' tells us they've rehearsed for this for a long time. The fact that 'one neighbor' could 'cause an outbreak for the whole neighborhood' tells us the direction they're going.

We'll also take a look below at a new video from ANP reader Stacy Whitewho recently passed two 'Germblast Infectious Disease Control' vans outside of Sweetwater, Texas on I-20 heading West. Stacy comments that it was strange seeing this, especially considering all of the people now flooding into Texas from other countries. With Zika now having been detected in the US and expected to grow into 2016, will this be a normal site on US highways? Several other videos below take a look at what some are calling the 'Zika false flag fraud'. Seeing how mosquito experts are saying America will have to deal with this outbreak to effectively eradicate it is understandably raising many eyebrows.


We learn from the NY Times about one such process to eradicate a mosquito illness outbreak undertaken back in 2009 in the city of Key West, Florida after a dengue-virus mosquito-borne outbreak. If this doesn't sound like the stuff of a dictatorial government, what else does? As we told you in our recent story "'Bigger And Bigger False Flags Coming' - NWO Using Crisis To Bring In 'Medical Martial Law' - Are We Now Witnessing A 'Covert Medical Op' In Action?", covert medical operations are the most dangerous and this helps to show us why.:

One key test of Americans ability to fight this mosquito came in 2009, when it brought the dengue virus into the homes of people on Key West. Within hours, a SWAT team of 30 mosquito experts was going house to house, dumping standing water from flowerpots, ashtrays, childrens swimming pools, recycling containers, bottle caps and trash cans. They worked 10 hours a day, six days a week, for six weeks, marking their progress on maps.

The effort was scrupulous because you need remarkably few mosquitoes to keep up transmission, said Mr. Doyle. One recalcitrant neighbor will grow enough adult mosquitoes to cause an outbreak for the whole neighborhood.

Some departments get creative. The mosquito control team in New Orleans got firefighters to help knock on doors when cases of West Nile virus began surfacing in 2012.

Manpower, thats the main thing, said Claudia Riegel, director of the citys Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board.


Mosquito SWAT teams... is that's what's coming next? According to the Times story, experts expect a much bigger outbreak here in the US once mosquito season begins again. Will Americans soon see 'mosquito SWAT teams' going door-to-door, dumping out standing water from flower pots, ashtrays, trash can lids and all of the other myriad mosquito breeding grounds spread out in Americans' yards and homes? Is that what Doyle means when he said Americans may not be 'ready for what's necessary'? Keep in mind the Zika virus was 1st discovered by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1947.

In the 1st video below, TruthUnveiled777takes a look at the Zika virus and 'Operation Depopulation' and the Zika virus from several different positions including sharing with us the scientific facts surrounding this virus, it's history as well as the possibility this is being pushed upon the world for very nefarious reasons. In the 2nd video below, thecorbettreporttakes a look at all of the talk surrounding Zika being merely a 'false flag fraud' while in the 3rd video, we learn from CCTV News that Brazil is going door to door with military to deal with this crisis. Is that what's coming to America? Is Zika virus all about getting Americans to take a new vaccine as suggested by the 4th video below, a White House press conference? The final video below was sent to ANP by a reader showing two 'Germblast infectious disease control' vans in Texas.

Why would 'Germblast infectious disease control' vans be out on Texas highways? The following video was sent to us by ANP readerStacy Whiteand shows what Stacy thought to be something a bit strange. As always, please email [email protected]with pictures, videos or story leads of news in your own home towns and cities and news that you feel the mainstream media isn't covering and needs to get out to the world. Thank you.


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