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November 12, 2019

Democrats Have Unleashed A 'Blue State Blueprint For Disaster' Upon America: Just Imagine What The Entire Country Might Look Like In The Future Should One Of THEM Win In 2020!

- Exploding Homelessness, Poverty And 3rd World Diseases Would Be The 'New Norm'


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, Oregon have been getting much of the recent attention about Democrat-run cities imploding, this recent story over at Fox News reportedthat the city of Austin in the middle of 'Red Texas' has also seen a massive explosion of the homeless living there after Texas's capital city became a magnet for homeless vagrants due to laws allowing people to camp out on the streets there.

Leading to tent cities sprouting up near state highways and the homeless continually urinating and defecating in the streets, as we had reported in this September 19th ANP story titled "With Democrat-Run Cities Across America Transformed Into Diseased Wastelands, Imagine If Democrats Win The Presidency In 2020 And America Is Turned Into A 'Sanctuary Nation!'", all of America could be over-run with 3rd world diseases and rapidly growing homelessness if a Democrat wins the presidency in 2020.

With one Texas man who was interviewed by Fox News telling them homeless people come from all around the country to live on the streets in Austin because the authorities are lax and there are many incentives, like free food and shelter, that Texan also warned that when people are giving away 'free money' and 'free food', those on the receiving end often take advantage of the situation, avoiding even trying to find work while living off others.

And asthis August story over at Biz Pac Review reportedwhen looking at the Democrat-run-hellholes popping up now all across America, the murder rates in some US cities are higher than the murder rates in some of the most dangerous cities in the world. Proud of all of that crime, death and destruction, democrats? From the Biz Pac Review story.:

The Baltimore Sun reported that the city is worse than many Central American countries, where people are fleeing to seek asylum in the U.S. Specifically, the Sun stated in 2017 that the Baltimore murder rate is continuing to be higher than Central Americas most dangerous countries.

Yes, more than Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. And PBS aired a 2018 one-hour special called Rat Film, on the rat infestation in Elijah Cummings city.

Also in 2018, USA Today named Baltimore the nations most dangerous city the deadliest big city in the country. In addition, it has a severe garbage and trash mess.

Its public schools rank lowest in Maryland. There were 13 schools in Baltimore that did not have even one student who could pass the standard math test!

How did all this happen? How did Baltimore fall on such hard times? The un-sugar-coated answer is that the city was ruined because it was under Democratic city-council control for the last 77 years. The last Republican mayor left office 52 years ago.

With one Democrat run city after another all across America falling into poverty, homelessness, mass drug addiction and despair, just imagine America in January of 2021 should a Democrat win in 12 months!

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER! Following Susan Duclos' recent heart attack, All News Pipeline will need a little bit of financial help in the days ahead. If you like stories like this,please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this 'Info-war' for America at a time of systematic censorship and corruption.)


While we rarely expect to get any truth from the NY Times, back in May of 2019, they actually published this opinion story titled "America's Cities Are Unlivable. Blame Wealthy Liberals" within which they reported 'progressives' have abandoned their own so-called 'progressive values', doing it in their own backyards, that NY Times story also reportedthat while the economy in parts of California was booming, billionaire-brimming California still ranked as one of the most poverty-stricken states in America with a shocking number of 1/5 of the state's population struggling to get by.

Also reporting that since 2010, migration OUT OF California had surged, that NY Times story reported the most important and biggest problem in California, (fully created by the liberal politics and liberal politicians!), was the steady collapse of 'livability'. From that story.

Across my home state, traffic and transportation is a developing-world nightmare. Child care and education seem impossible for all but the wealthiest. The problems of affordable housing and homelessness have surpassed all superlatives what was a crisis is now an emergency that feels like a dystopian showcase of American inequality.

Just look at San Francisco, Nancy Pelosis city. One of every 11,600 residents is a billionaire, and the annual household income necessary to buy a median-priced home now tops $320,000. Yet the streets there are a plague of garbage and needles and feces, and every morning brings fresh horror stories from a Black Mirror hellscape: Homeless veterans are surviving on an economy of trash from billionaires mansions. Wealthy homeowners are crowdfunding a legal effort arguing that a proposed homeless shelter is an environmental hazard. A public-school teacher suffering from cancer is forced to pay for her own substitute.

And there is no end in sight to such crushing success. At every level of government, our representatives, nearly all of them Democrats, prove inadequate and unresponsive to the challenges at hand. Witness last weeks embarrassment, when California lawmakers used a sketchy parliamentary maneuver to knife Senate Bill 50, an ambitious effort to undo restrictive local zoning rules and increase the supply of housing.

It was another chapter in a dismal saga of Nimbyist urban mismanagement that is crushing American cities. Not-in-my-backyardism is a bipartisan sentiment, but because the largest American cities are populated and run by Democrats many in states under complete Democratic control this sort of nakedly exclusionary urban restrictionism is a particular shame of the left.

And as we had reported withinour September 19th ANP story which took a look ata report put out by the Association of Mature American Citizens, this is a systematic problem with America's worst 25 cities ALL run by Democrats!

The facts reported within this story speak for themselves.

According to this August 5th story over at Amac, the Association of Mature American Citizens, America's 25 worst cities are run by Democrats, and as their story immediately pointed out, the findings of several new studies are arresting.

Reporting that the top ten American cities for the homeless are sanctuary cities, cities which offer refuge to illegal immigrants, don't co-operate with law enforcement and raise the prices of low-rent housing for their own citizens, we're happy to report that according to thisstory over at the Daily Mail, the leaders of America's big cities may soon see some kind of 'crackdown' coming their way. Reporting President Trump is now threatening to punish them with EPA violations over their refusals to clean up the massive environmental disaster being caused by their city's homeless problem, is it already too late?

With all of these big, Democrat-run US cities descending into complete shambles, truly a horrific, humanitarian crisis of the highest nature, and being completely ignored by the msm which instead still insanely screams about Republicans being 'racist' for calling out big US cities as becoming hellholes under Democratic rule, President Trump warned Democratic leaders "They have to clean it up. We can't have our cities going to hell."

Yet as Susan Duclos had reported on ANP back on September 9th in this story titled "Medieval Diseases, Homelessness, And Now Fears Of Leprosy In L.A. - The Direct Link Between Illegal Immigration And American Cities Looking Worse Than Third-World Nations", 'going to hell' is exactly what is happening to big US cities and if the Democrats their way, America's big cities will be a model for the total takedown of America should a Democratic presidential candidate win the election in 2020.

With Susan's story pointing out the direct link between illegal immigration and American cities turning into 3rd world hellholes, imagine what this entire country would look like should America be turned into a 'sanctuary nation'! So we'll be looking at 'the facts' brought to light by these new studies in the next two sections below with the old axiom applying to the 2020 election ahead, "If Democrats can't even clean up their own sh*t, why should we let them try to 'clean up' America?"

So why do Democrats keep allowing the cities that they run to descend into literal hellholes and and an even better question might be, why do Democrat-voters keep voting Democrat? It's long been said that the very definition of 'insanity' is doing the same thing over and over and over again but expecting different results!


As we see in the final excerpt below from this Biz Pac Review story, Democrats have done nothing less than unleashing a 'blue-state-blueprint for disaster' upon America, with Democrat-run cities all across the country imploding, and for decades, as seen in the chart at the top of this story.

With the mainstream media completely refusing to report upon the fact that America's worst run cities are run by Democrats and most big US cities completely beholden to 'globalism', for Nancy Pelosi or any other Democrat to say that their cities are just an 'anomaly' defies 'reality'. From the Biz Pac Review story...

But as horrific as the Baltimore story is (even Bernie Sanders compared Baltimore to a Third World country in 2016), the larger story is worse: Baltimore is not an anomaly. The truth is that most U.S. cities that have dipped into decay and violence have been run by Democrats for decades. The Dems blow their horn about how compassionate and caring they are, and yet most big-city governments have failed to improve the lives and economic circumstances of their citizens.

Democrats run nine of the 10 largest U.S. cities; they control 16 of the 20 largest cities. USA Today, in 2019, reports the top 10 most dangerous cities in America are governed by Democrats. Looking at cities in similar decay as Baltimore, Democrats run them all.

In the San Francisco home district of Speaker Pelosi, you can use a cellphone app to navigate diseased city streets to avoid human fecal waste. Seattle and Los Angeles are just as bad. Chicago has unimaginable inner-city violence, and is broke. Better not drink the water in Flint, Michigan. Detroit is the archetype of urban failure, the poorest large city in America. Democratic mayors have run St. Louis for 70 years, and Forbes says its the second most dangerous city in the nation. Newark has had Democrat mayors for more than a century, and in 2015 became the 5thworst city to live in.

The reasons for these devastating near-criminal disasters are Democrat policies. Investors Business Daily explains: When Democrats are in control, cities tend to go soft on crime, reward cronies with public funds, establish hostile business environments, heavily tax the most productive citizens, impose smothering regulations and set up fat pensions for their union friends. Simply put, theirs is a Blue State blueprint for disaster.

In the first video below, independent journalist Tim Pool takes a look at how the entire state of California is becoming 'unlivable' with mass poverty, homelessness and hunger gripping many city streets along with people using their taxpayer funded sidewalks and streets for bathrooms while wildfires rage there. In the 2nd video from Fox News, they take a look at the exploding homeless problem in Austin, Texas while in the 3rd and final video below, The National Desk takes a look at how New York is now attempting to 'clean up' their own homeless problem by shipping them off to other cities and states.

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER! Following Susan Duclos' recent heart attack, All News Pipeline will need a little bit of financial help in the days ahead. Anything that you can do is greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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