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June 12, 2016

MAP - Is Your City On The List? Islamic Holy Month Of Terror Begins - After ISIS Calls For Lone Wolf Attacks In U.S. During Ramadan, Dozens Massacred In Florida As Supporter Heeds The Call

The war is on, but on previously unimagined levels!


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

FOLLOW UP -Insiders On ISIS Terror In America: 'It's Going To Get Way, Way Worse' - ISIS Plan To Attack 6 US Cities Leaked - 'It's Going To Be A Very Bloody Summer In America'

In September 2015 Stefan Stanford provided a list of 190 locations to which the Obama administration had secretly chosen to import Syrian refugees and in November of that year ANP provided a map and a list of 138 cities in 36 states where refugees have already been settled..... one of which was Orlando, Florida, the location of the most recent terrorist massacre.


NBC Miami on June 9, 2016 -ISIS Group Targets Hundreds of Floridians With 'Kill List': Report

ISIS Announced Florida Threat THREE Days Ago: "We Will Attack Florida"

EXCLUSIVE: Top Gazan Jihadist Claims Orlando Shooter Was Terror Group Member

Suspect Arrested In West Hollywood That Is Probably Linked To A Larger Scheme Involving The Orlando Shooting

In late May ISIS spokesmanAbu Mohammed al-Adnani demanded supporters carry out "lone wolf" attacks in the west during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan which started June 5 and ends on July 5, 2016, if they were unable to travel to the self-declared Caliphate in Syria and Iraq, according to Reuters at the time.

(ISIS spokesmanAbu Mohammed al-Adnani)

Via Breitbart:

“Ramadan, the month of conquest and jihad. Get prepared, be ready ... to make it a month of calamity everywhere for the non-believers ... especially for the fighters and supporters of the Caliphate in Europe and America, said the audio message, urging ISIS sympathizers in the West to attack if they cannot travel to the group's self-declared Caliphate in Syria and Iraq, Reuters reports.

“The smallest action you do in their heartland is better and more enduring to us than what you would if you were with us. If one of you hoped to reach the Islamic State, we wish we were in your place to punish the Crusaders day and night, the message reportedly added.

ISIS encouraged its supporters to launch lone wolf attacks “to win the great award of martyrdom.

It appears that call has been heeded as overnight a radical "Islamic Extremist" carried out one of those lone wolf attacks at a nightclub called The Pulse in Orlando Florida, killing up to 20 people, UPDATED more than 50 now reporteddead according toUSA Today , who calls this the "most deadly shooting spree in U.S. history."

The gunman, who was born to Afghan parents, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he opened fire on the dance floor inside Pulse in the early hours of this morning.

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said authorities have not determined the exact number of people killed, but that 'approximately 20' have died. Another 42 people were taken to hospital.

An FBI spokesman said the mass shooting is being investigated as an act of terrorism, adding that they are looking into whether this was an act of domestic or international terror, and if the shooter was a lone wolf.

Police said the gunman, who was shot dead by officers, was believed to be in his 20s, while the FBI believe he may have 'leanings to radical Islamic terrorism'.

Video below, shot after shot can be heard in the raw footage below. Beneath that is a press conference where authorities detail the massacre.

Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit has already taken screen shots from ISIS suppoirters celebrating the Pulse attack and warning of more attacks on disbelievers.

As the San Bernardino, CA. massacre proved without a doubt, ISIS supporters are already in America, coming through with Visas, being brought in by the Obama administration hiding within the refugees, as well as being smuggled in across the borders by Mexican cartels.

When GOP presumptive nominee for president Donald Trump called for a temporary suspension of bringing Muslims into America he was highly criticized, but when we consider that according to surveys 51 percent of Muslims in the U.S. want Sharia law versus the U.S. legal system and 25 percent believe "It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam," one can no longer deny that there are a significant amount of radical Islamic sympathizers within the U.S. that find using violence is acceptable against Americans.


Does anyone truly believe that a "lone wolf" committed a massacre during Ramadan, in a city where Obama has imported so-called refugees, less than a month after ISIS called for lone wolf attacks during Ramadan....... and it is a coincidence?

How many other lone wolf attackers are out there, planning the same type of attacks? What city is next? Is your city one of those named in the list embedded below, or one of those 138 in 36 states?

Note - Thse lists may not even be complete because the Obama administration has since refused to provide state governors with information on refugees being settled in their states.

Keep your heads up, eyes and ears open folks.... the next attack could come from anywhere during this Islamic Month of Terror that ISIS has called for. The war is on.

UPDATE - ALEX JONES -RED ALERT: ISIS Now Activating Terror Cells - Orlando Attack Is Phase One

190 US Cities To Receive Syrian Refugeesuploaded by All News Pipeline

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