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March 20, 2020
'Octagon', 'Freejack' & 'Zodiac' Are Now In Play! Newsweek Story Confirms The US Military Is Preparing For Widespread Chaos & Violence, Food Shortages & Martial Law In America
- 'Above Top Secret' Plans Now In Effect To Ensure Continuity Of Government
And with both President Donald Trump and VP Mike Pence potentially exposed to the killer virus that's weaving a pathway of death and economic ruin across the planet after they had both met with a Brazilian official who had tested positive for COVID-19 one of the reasons why the US DOD's 'COG program' is now in full effect, we'll explore within this ANP story the latest signs of trouble ahead with even a potential US military commander becoming America's 'Commander in Chief' in our near future should worst case scenarios unfold. But first, from this story over at Intel News before we continue.:
For the first time in the modern history of the United States, the Department of Defense has been given standby orders to ensure the continuity of government, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These extraordinary measures, which include evacuating White House officials to remote quarantined locations, and devolving the nations leadership to second-tier officials, were originally meant for the aftermath of a nuclear war.
However, according to Newsweek, Above-Top Secret contingency plans are now in place, in case the nations Constitutional power successors are incapacitated by the pandemic. Standby orders have been issued for a series of plans under the US Northern Command (NORTHCOM), which was created in response to the 9/11 attacks as a homeland defense military authority.
These operations are codenamed OCTAGON, FREEJACK and ZODIAC, said Newsweek, and include CONPLAN 3400 (homeland defense if the US itself is the battlefield), CONPLAN 3500 (defending civil authorities in an emergency), and CONPLAN 3600 (defending the National Capital Region from an attack). Newsweek added that the Defense Secretary, Mark T. Esper, has authorized NORTHCOM to prepare to deploy in support of these potential extraordinary missions. These include the possibility of some form of martial law, where military commanders would be given executive powers across the US until a new civilian leadership would emerge.
An added complication to these plans is that the military itself is vulnerable to the coronavirus pandemic, which makes for extraordinary circumstances, said Newsweek. In recognition of this vulnerability, the Department of Defense has instituted unprecedented restrictions for off-base activities of military personnel. Having first banned overseas travel, the Pentagon is now keeping all uniformed personnel on or nearby military bases across the country and the world. Newsweek added that several other national security agencies are following the Pentagons contingency plans, and that continuity personnel at the White House are readying [for an] evacuation.
So with the Newsweek story also confirming much we have been hearing, that preparations are now taking place at the very highest levels of the US government for a health disaster in America of historical and unprecedented proportions, we hope that ANP readers are prepared to ride out the coming storm with the very real potential of state lockdowns all across the board and a 'nationwide lockdown' not out of the question.
Before we continue, let's go ahead and take an extended look at this important story over at Newsweek which both the Right Wing Tribune and Intel News had used as the source for their stories. Warning us within their story of 'top secret contigency plans' that were already in place, their story also brought up these 'underground laws' that would ensure 'continuity of government' in America but lead us to ask, what 'government' will they be continuing, the globalist-government long pushed by Democrats for America or the 'America first' government that was being slowly ushered in by President Trump?
With the Newsweek story also warning us that we're entering new territory that we've never been in before and the very real potential that all of this to lead to martial law in America due to widespread violence over nationwide food shortages, with all of the hatred expressed towards President Trump by the mainstream media and Democrats over the past 3 years and impeachment and the 'Russian collusion hoax' having failed, might COVID-19 be 'the globalists plan C'? From this Newsweek story.
Even as President Trump says he tested negative for coronavirus, the COVID-19 pandemic raises the fear that huge swaths of the executive branch or even Congress and the Supreme Court could also be disabled, forcing the implementation of "continuity of government" plans that include evacuating Washington and "devolving" leadership to second-tier officials in remote and quarantined locations.
But Coronavirus is also new territory, where the military itself is vulnerable and the disaster scenarios being contemplated -- including the possibility of widespread domestic violence as a result of food shortages -- are forcing planners to look at what are called "extraordinary circumstances".
Above-Top Secret contingency plans already exist for what the military is supposed to do if all the Constitutional successors are incapacitated. Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans, not just to protect Washington but also to prepare for the possibility of some form of martial law.
According to new documents and interviews with military experts, the various plans codenamed Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac are the underground laws to ensure government continuity. They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, "devolution" could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America.
"We're in new territory," says one senior officer, the entire post-9/11 paradigm of emergency planning thrown out the window. The officer jokes, in the kind of morbid humor characteristic of this slow-moving disaster, that America had better learn who Gen. Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy is.
He is the "combatant commander" for the United States and would in theory be in charge if Washington were eviscerated. That is, until a new civilian leader could be installed.
'We're in territory we've never been in before'.
And according to the Newsweek story, it was back on February 1st that the US military began preparing to execute their national pandemic action plan with many 'top secret programs' now in effect due to COVID-19. With Defense Secretary's Mark T. Esper's orders alerting NORTHCOM to 'prepare to deploy' within the United States 'in support of potential extraordinary missions', anybody who still thinks all of this is some kind of a huge hoax will be left completely unprepared and blindsided when the 'S' finally 'hits the fan'.
On February 1, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper signed orders directing NORTHCOM to execute nationwide pandemic plans. Secretly, he signed Warning Orders (the WARNORD as it's called) alerting NORTHCOM and a host of east coast units to "prepare to deploy" in support of potential extraordinary missions.
Seven secret plans some highly compartmented exist to prepare for these extraordinary missions. Three are transportation related, just to move and support the White House and the federal government as it evacuates and operates from alternate sites. The first is called the Rescue & Evacuation of the Occupants of the Executive Mansion (or RESEM) plan, responsible for protecting President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and their families--whether that means moving them at the direction of the Secret Service or, in a catastrophe, digging them out of the rubble of the White House.
The second is called the Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan (or JEEP), and it organizes transportation for the Secretary of Defense and other national security leaders so that they can leave the Washington area. The Atlas Plan is a third, moving non-military leaders Congressional leadership, the Supreme Court and other important figures to their emergency relocation sites. Under Atlas, a still- secret bunker would be activated and cordoned, with government operations shifting to Maryland.
The three most compartmented contingencies Octagon, Freejack, and Zodiac call upon various military units in Washington DC, North Carolina and eastern Maryland to defend government operations if there is a total breakdown. The seventh plan codenamed Granite Shadow lays out the playbook for extraordinary domestic missions that involve weapons of mass destruction. (I disclosed the existence of this plan in 2005, and its associated "national mission force"--a force that is on alert at all times, even in peacetime, to respond to a terrorist attack or threat with the nuclear weapon.)
And as Newsweek also pointed out, when asked when the US military's 'emergency authority' might be needed in America, while traditionally it might have been following a nuclear attack, authorities are now looking at the very real possibility of violence over food shortages breaking out in America. Just think about the words you read below when asking yourself whether you really need to prepare or not.
When might the military's "emergency authority" be needed? Traditionally, it's thought of after a nuclear device goes off in an American city. But now, planners are looking at military response to urban violence as people seek protection and fight over food. And, according to one senior officer, in the contingency of the complete evacuation of Washington.
Under Defense department regulations, military commanders are authorized to take action on their own in extraordinary circumstances where "duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation." The conditions include "large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances" involving "significant loss of life or wanton destruction of property." The Joint Chiefs of Staff codified these rules in October 2018, reminding commanders that they could decide, on their own authority, to "engage temporarily" in military control in circumstances "where prior authorization by the President is impossible" or where local authorities "are unable to control the situation." A new Trump-era Pentagon directive calls it "extreme situations." In all cases, even where a military commander declares martial law, the directives say that civil rule has to be restored as soon as possible.
"In scenarios where one city or one region is devastated, that's a pretty straightforward process," the military planner told me. "But with coronavirus, where the effect is nationwide, we're in territory we've never been in before."
In the 1st video below the videographer breaks down for us the Newsweek story we highlighted within this story warning of the US Military's 'above top secret' plans for America should the worst case scenario unfold while in the 2nd video, Mike Adams tells us why he is willing to endure a'lockdown' in order to help stop the spread of this killer virus, something Susan and I here at ANP will also do. And in the 3rd video below, Paul Joseph Watson tells us how 'open borders' had been a major vector of the spread of coronavirus in Italy and why the UK, Europe and the US will face the same, if not worse, problems ahead due to open borders as well.
So with COVID-19 bringing problems to America we've never seen in our lifetimes and even the US military now planning for the very real possibility of martial law, widespread domestic violence, food and supply shortages and total chaos, we continue to serve our families and loved ones and America's 'first responders' best by preparing to shelter at home, avoid the masses while understanding that at any point in time, all of this could come crashing down with even the most mighty empire of all time falling to a bug as Dr. Don Boys reported in this ANP story.
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