With that very real possibility, and what we saw in China including body bags lining the streets, people collapsing dead while walking down the road, a mass roundup of the Chinese people herded into quarantines, and the welding of the Chinese people into their own homes, we can fully understand why the US military is now preparing for total chaos, food shortages and martial law should the worst case scenario unfold here though as Susan Duclos warned, once people lose their rights, it's very difficult to get them back.
So while we'll continue to urge our readers listen to the medical advice given from the top levels of the US govt medical community and shelter within our own homes if possible while keeping away from the 'herd',before we continue we must take a look here at the very important words written by Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes. Barnes breaks down for us the very real and increasingly likely scenario of martial law coming to America should the American people not buckle in for the ride and coronavirus keep spreading at an exponential rate leading to authorities believing they have no other choice but to 'crack down' in the weeks or months ahead. From this story over at RT.:
Do we really think it cant happen here in America? Could we quarantine the constitution? Are we doing it already?
Panics from pandemics unleash unchecked governmental power. The very premise of popular films like V for Vendetta reveal this: a group uses a virus to seize power and create a totalitarian society. Anyone could witness this from far-off lands, watching the news about China locking people up in their own homes and then removing them screaming from those homes whenever the state wanted. World War I and the Great Depression birthed virulent forms of governments with leaders like Hitler, Mao, Mussolini and Stalin.
Governments across America already used the pandemic, and the media-stoked panic around the pandemic particularly, to limit, restrict or remove First Amendment freedoms of speech and free association, with officials complaining about the potential restraints the freedom of religion imposed upon them.
Others denied or declared the right to deny Second Amendment rights of gun purchase for personal safety (at a time governments are issuing no-arrest and no-detention orders for a wide range of crimes in their community while publicly freeing inmates from jails and prisons). They want to coordinate with tech companies to surveil and spy on your everyday movements and activities, in violation of the Fourth Amendment and potentially waive, unilaterally, your medical right to privacy in multiple contexts.
Stay-at-home orders deprive you of your profession, occupation, business and property, without any due process of law at all beyond an executive fiat in violation of the Fifth Amendment right to due process. Governments request the authority to involuntarily imprison any American on mere fear of infection without any probable cause of crime or clear and present danger of harm by that persons volitional conduct, deny access to personal counsel in an unsupervised, un-surveilled manner in violation of the Sixth Amendment, and act as judge, jury and executioner in violation of the Seventh Amendment right to a trial by jury, as jury trials themselves get suspended around the country in the nations quieted courts and fear-muted public.
The real pandemic threat is here. Its the panic that will quarantine our Constitution.
And while we here at ANP have strongly recommended within our stories that 'the healthy' prepare to self-quarantine at a time when far too many people are ignoring advice from our medical professionals and still going out partying, meeting in large groups and believing themselves to be 'invincible', we've also warned that the failure to do so by too many people could bring that 'crackdown of epic proportions' and that may still be ahead. So it's a very fine line we must walk and a balancing act we must perform to keep our civil liberties and the US Constitution intact while attempting to prevent a pandemic of mammoth proportions from taking down everything.
Before we continue, let's take a look at and give credit to a number of different US companies which are stepping up to the plate in a huge way during this crisis, showing us that indeed, when the SHTF, many people immediately kick it into a higher mode with the best of Americans often coming out in a crisis though as we'll explore in the final section of this story below, it also brings out the worst in the worst people.
As WTOP in the Washington DC area reports in this new story, while facing uncertain times ahead, some Washington DC area businesses have instead shifted their focus by making masks or creating hand sanitizer and as we'll see in the excerpts below from several different stories, this is happening all across the country. First, from WTOP.:
As small businesses struggle in these uncertain times, some are taking their skills and helping our area meet immediate needs.
Normally, Dawn Crothers runs the event rentals company: Something Vintage.
However, Crothers said every Spring event on the schedule is canceled, so she came up with an idea for another way they could use their logistics expertise.
Its a lot of uncertainty. We just dont know, the masks are at least a way to makes us feel positive, productive and putting good juju out into the universe and hopefully, it makes a difference, Crothers said.
Crothers decided her company could start making masks for healthcare workers and organizing a group of people who could sew them. She then began calling hospitals in need and asked for donations on Instagram.
A lot of people do have material, but they dont have the elastic needed. So were providing the material and the elastic We have 3 or 4 drop-off locations right now. We have volunteers to take them to the hospitals, Crothers said. Carines Bridal in D.C. is also making masks.
In addition, Compass Coffee and Republic Restoratives Distillery are producing 1,000 gallons each of hand sanitizer for D.C. government workers and first responders, said Mayor Muriel Bowser.
With alcohol distilleries across the country also stepping to the plate to make hand sanitizer created from their 90% grain alcohol stocks while automobile makers offer to build ventilators with the US health industry facing a critical shortage ahead, when Americans step to the plate, there is absolutely nothing that we can't overcome. As my own mother recently reminded me of my grandmother's generation, she and my grandfather made it through World War 1, the Spanish Flu, World War 2 and the Great Depression so if that generation can overcome so many hardships and tremendous difficulties, so too can we.
With health experts still finding many 'symptom free cases' of people who've contacted the virus yet show no symptoms at all but are able to still spread the disease to others while a recent study determined the virus can live for up to 17 days on surfaces, far exceeding the previous report while proving that this can be spread to others who've simply touched a surface that someone infected may have also touched weeks before, we continue to serve our families and loved ones best by preparing to avoid as much physical contact with the outside world in the days and weeks ahead.
A California police department is planning on using drones equipped with cameras and loudspeakers to monitor a coronavirus shutdown.
The Chula Vista Police Department recently doubled its fleet of drones, purchasing two of the machines from Chinese company DJI. The police department told the Financial Times that they would be outfitted with night-vision cameras.
We have not traditionally mounted speakers to our drones, but ... if we need to cover a large area to get an announcement out, or if there were a crowd somewhere that we needed to disperse, we could do it without getting police officers involved, said Capt. Vern Sallee.
The outbreak has changed my view of expanding the program as rapidly as I can, Sallee added.
U.S. officials have warned about the threat Chinese-made drones could pose to the United States. The company that the police department is purchasing from, DJI, is the worlds largest player in the civilian drone industry.
So with the very real possibility that this 'crisis' will be seen as an 'opportunity'to further crack down by the globalists who don't have Americans or 'freedoms' best interests at heart, we should all prepare ourselves for absolutely anything to happen in the days, weeks and months ahead as this unfolds and as mentioned previously, if anybody begins to witness the whole-scale violation of the civil liberties of law-abiding, and already quarantining Americans, please feel free to post stories, photographs, videos and other 'proof' within any ANP story's comment section.
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A number of recent ANP coronavirus prepping stories with reader suggestions, links to still available online prepping products, ideas, books and much more include: